An After-School Middle School Ministry
Every Tuesday and Thursday, 3:00-5:30 PM
In order for a student to attend Element Café, a parent/guardian must first fill out a Forever Profile. This is brand new in 2024 and serves as registration for all weekly, regularly scheduled Element programming.
Prepaid Account
Element Café sells food, snacks, and drinks. If you don’t want your student to use cash, you can set them up with a Prepaid Account. They can also pay with Venmo by sending money to @ElementSM.
How It Works.
ELEMENT CAFE is open to all Middle School students on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:00-5:30 PM in the youth ministry space of Trinity United Methodist Church. Located on the second floor of the Oxmoor Campus off of Seminole Road, “The Haven” is the best place to hang out in the afternoons. Equipped with an awesome cafe, game room and gym on the first floor. Element Cafe DOES NOT cost anything to participate. Each day we serve drinks & snacks all only for 50 cents!
Element Cafe takes place in the youth area of Trinity UMC & is a great and safe space for students to relax, do homework, play in our gym & game room, eat snacks & hang out with friends & our youth staff and adult leaders.**
** All staff and adult leaders have undergone Safe Sanctuary Training and regular background checks.